What is it about a model's diet that keeps her looking so thin and healthy? When your livelihood depends on your body and your body's state of health, you tend to pay attention to what you put into it. That's why a model's diet is highly disciplined. But what does that mean? It might be more obvious than you think!
For one, a model's diet is based on the building block of everyone's body: water. A model's diet includes a great intake of water in order to keep peak beauty systems running well. Beautiful hair, skin and nails are impossible without adequate amounts of water to healthfully fuel them. In addition, water helps to take the edge of hunger. Your first step to following a model's diet is therefore a lot of water.
Of course, this feeds right into another model and athlete's secret: calorie control. Models' diets aren't necessarily calorie restrictive all the time, but keeping calories under control is necessary in a model's diet. You can emulate this by researching the ideal amount of calories needed for your body and sticking to it. You'd never want to take in too little calories, which would result in a slow down in metabolism. At the same time, we all know what an excess in calories results in!
Related to calorie control is portion control. A model's diet is likely to consist of only the amount of foods that she needs to healthfully function. Exercising portion control will aid in exercising calorie control, and vice versa. Following the example of a model's diet would therefore require extreme portion control.
One way to keep your diet and nutritional needs in check is to concentrate on lean proteins and fish. Model's diets will generally include significant portions of both of these. Lean proteins help to keep the body feeling full and nourished without adding too many calories. In addition, fish are packed full of nutritional value.
Of course, some have access to the expertise of a nutritionist when it comes to setting their diets. While it may be debatable as to whether or not a model's diet is based on the advice of a nutritionist, that doesn't mean you can't seek out an expert in establishing your own healthy diet. Can't afford to pay a professional? Luckily, nutritional guidelines are available online and at your local library.
The "secret" to a models diet is therefore a combination of discipline and know how. Want to get the thin, lithe body of a model? Educate yourself and stick to a plan!
Brian Jenkins is a senior weight loss writer and assists clients with healthy eating, effective exercise, and custom weight loss programs.
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